Business Rental Resource Centre

Articles | Case Studies | Ebooks  

As a trusted partner in business travel, we are committed to providing travellers with the exceptional service, choice, and value they expect. As part of that promise, we've assembled a variety of resources, including case studies, ebooks, and white papers for Travel Managers. We invite you to reference these tools as you develop, rethink, and possibly revise your company's travel policies and programs.

Visit the page regularly, as we plan to add new content often.

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BTN White Paper

Meeting business traveller expectations in new era of managed travel.

Case Studies

Siemens Case Study

Enterprise brings automated car rental to Siemens UK.

Hydrogen Cars Case Study

Enterprise adds hydrogen Cars to UK fleet to encourage sustainable travel.

Coventry City Council Case Study

Enterprise supports the UK's first mobility credits initiative.

GO-HI Case Study

Enterprise Car Club doubles vehicles in Highlands & Islands.


How to Avoid the Most Common Issues with Car Rentals

The Complete Guide to Grey Fleet Alternatives

Essential factors to Consider Before Choosing a Mobility Provider

The Key Differences Between Mobility Providers